Passionate Support Animals On University Grounds

3 Things That ESA Pet-Parents Should Do

Episode Summary

Having an Emotional Support Animal in your life can help you a lot in your mental and emotional health crisis. These animals with their presence alone tend to make you feel normal and calm. They take the place of the love and support that your loved ones give you when they get the chance to. These Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) unlike the people close to you don’t have other commitments and are by your side all the time.

Episode Notes


Having an Emotional Support Animal in your life can help you a lot in your mental and emotional health crisis. These animals with their presence alone tend to make you feel normal and calm. They take the place of the love and support that your loved ones give you when they get the chance to. These Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) unlike the people close to you don’t have other commitments and are by your side all the time.  If you want to keep a pet you should know about an emotional support animal registration.

You should make sure that the ESA is prescribed to you by a licensed mental health specialist through an emotional support dog letter. As an ESA pet parent, you should be aware of the various laws and regulations protecting you and your ESA. 



A responsible ESA parent should do the following:

Know the various ESA laws

You should know that the  ESA letter is only to be given by a licensed mental health specialist after consultation either through in-person consultation or through online consultation

You should also be aware of the various ESA laws that allow you and your pet animal to benefit from various provisions put in place:

Training your ESA to be obedient and calm

Having a well trained and obedient ESA is not just best for others but also for the ESA parent. The people who are responsible for the ESA can get more anxious and emotionally distraught due to the stress caused by their unruly dog causing those around you, problems. This can be incessant barking, getting aggressive, and the ESA relieving itself inappropriate places. If you want to keep your pet inside your house you should have an ESA letter for housing.

Though the ESA isn’t required to be trained under the law, it is the responsibility of the pet parents to train the pet, so that it can be under control at all times. 

There are many cases where belligerent ESA pets had to be taken off of the plane because of their unruly behavior or being a cause of constant disturbance to the passenger and crew.

Providing the person of authority the correct documents 

As an ESA parent, you should remain open to providing documents and letters to assure your landlords and airline carriers of your pet’s training and good behavior. Though under no law are you required to produce any documentation other than the ESA letter, showing evidence of your pet’s good behavior always sets well people you are dealing with.

For renting houses and apartments, the ESA parent can have letters written from the previous owners about their experience with the ESA pet. While also providing them with any additional documents and licenses that show its training and vaccination history. You should be also open to paying for the extra maintenance that your pet animal might cost in and around the living unit.  If you do not have an ESA letter you should know how to get an esa letter online.

This demonstrates your confidence in your pet animal and will help you easily get a place to rent. 

Related Resources :

To-Do List :Hiking With Dog

Connection Between PTSD And An ESA

Can An Owner Reject An ESA?

How ESA Helps You To Improve Your Life?