Passionate Support Animals On University Grounds

Keeping your Pet Dog Entertained and Happy

Episode Summary

The number of dogs kept as a pet in the United States is nearing 100 million. Dogs are one of the most common animals to have as pets, due to their loyal and affectionate companionship that they have developed with their human companions, going back to thousands of years.

Episode Notes


The number of dogs kept as a pet in the United States is nearing 100 million. Dogs are one of the most common animals to have as pets, due to their loyal and affectionate companionship that they have developed with their human companions, going back to thousands of years. 

The canine companions have been bred into several dog types and breeds over the past several hundreds of years. The different dog breeds, come in different sizes and have a wide range of characteristics. Many dog breeds are used as an ESA dog and a therapy animal. Some have emerged over the years to become perfect family dogs and great outdoor companions. While some have taken up important roles as working dogs. If you do not have an ESA letter you can apply for an ESA letter online only if you have an emotional support animal letter sample.

However, the affectionate and loving characteristics of these animals permeate through each of the breeds. Especially when the dogs are trained to be social and obedient from an early age. 



An affectionate and happy dog is one that is well taken care of and whose mind and body are stimulated through exercise and activities. 

Indoor games

Many pet parents who are mostly at home can indulge their pets in physical activity by playing indoor games that can take place in the backyard of the house or inside an apartment. 

One of the most popular games which the whole household can take part in is the hide and seek where the household members hide in spaces and call for their pet dog to find them.

You can also play tug with your dog with a thick rope or a stretchable toy. However, make sure to take frequent breaks as the dogs tend to get aggressive the longer they go.   If you want to keep your animal with you in your house you should know about an ESA letter for housing

You should end each indoor activity or game with a treat to help the dog calm down and indicate the end of an activity.

Stimulating the mind

Involving your dog in activities that stimulate the mind from an early age can greatly increase your dog’s cognitive abilities. This includes hiding the treats around the house and letting your dog track the scent to get to the treats. You can also make use of various toys that provide treats to your dog upon solving small puzzles. Through such activities, you can make sure that your dog is mentally fit and active, which is also good for its over physical health.  If you want to apply for an ESA letter you should have an ESA letter sample.

Outdoor activities

There are a range of outdoor activities that you can do with your dog if it is bred for the outside and is energetic as well as athletic. You can take your dog on hikes, camping, and running, while also tagging your dog along in other activities that include water sport.

Even if your pet dog is not the athletic type, you can have it along with you providing it with the thrill that ensures maximum mental stimulation. This includes having your dog on a craft while rushing down the river or on your board while paddleboarding.

Indeed, you can unquestionably live with your passionate help feline even in no-pet lodging by introducing an ESA letter for lodging to your landowner. The ESA letter permits individuals with handicaps to live in and fly with their enthusiastic help creatures.

These dynamic activities with ever-changing scenes and scenarios tend to keep even the laziest dog instinctively alert, such that they lose more energy through this activity than any exercise they might do. 


Doga is Dogs meet Yoga. Doga is gaining popularity in the populations and is a great way for you and your pet dog to get some exercise as well as develop a strong bond. The Dogs contain several stances and moves that let you interact with your dog as you and your dog assist each other in strengthening the body. During Doga, even the most energetic and jumpy dog becomes a calm soul. 

Related Resources :

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